In today’s world, technology is an important part of our lives. It has a significant role in our life styles, working and especially learning. Via mobile phones, laptops or tablets; we can watch videos, read articles or research something easily. Thus, we access to information with technology by ourselves. In addition to these, we can take advantages of technology while teaching something as a teacher. When we have difficulty in drawing, showing or teaching abstract something during the lesson, we can utilize the programs in technological devices like Sketchpad, GeoGebra, Cabri 3D or etc. Such programs make easier to understand or to comprehend some topics in mathematics. For example, students cannot see the other sides of three dimensional objects while drawing on board so they may not visualize some concepts. However, the teacher can show real shapes of objects by using such programs. Thereby, the students can conceptualize in their mind. Moreover, the students mostly get bored during the instruction if the teacher teaches a lesson on the board constantly. Watching educational videos, playing educational games and drawing/trying something in electronic devices spark students’ interest. To illustrate, the teacher can prepare a game in Articulate Storyline 2 about mathematical concepts. I think this program might be learned in a short span of time. By way of instructive games, the teacher can attract the students’ interest so the students comprehend the topics easily while playing games. Briefly, using technology helps the teachers to teach without exerting much effort and to improve instructional delivery. Furthermore, it increases student engagement and motivation, prepares students for the future, provides wider access and supports collaboration skills. On the other hand, some teachers do not prefer to use technology in their lessons. Some of them might be anxious about learning programs or some think that using technology is not necessary in order to teach lessons. In my opinion, they are mistaken and teaching only on the board is more difficult than using technology because they have limited materials such as a few books or notebooks. In the simplest term, my teachers generally used projection in order to show slides and to watch videos. Even these materials helped our understandings of topics. For these reasons, I will be a math teacher who prefer technology and learn/use many enjoying programs. Especially students in secondary schools can learn by having fun and by interesting. So, I want to prepare instructional games and to watch the humorous educational videos. Thus, most of the students will be able to eliminate the prejudices and love math.
While I am writing, I once again recognize the importance of technology. After researching, I realize that integration technology into instruction is needed by teachers and students. Unfortunately, in our curriculum does not give enough importance to technology in education and consequenly the teachers in Turkey cannot get training about integration of technology.
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